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National Scorpion Association
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Please note: the boat and sailors' names on the individual archive pages are links to that boat's or sailor's own page - so by tapping or clicking through on them you can explore who sailed which boat, when and with whom, very easily.
Angie Vale (points: 18)
Tony Vance (points: 15)
Various (points: 27)
Various (points: 36)
John Varley (points: 46)
M W Vergo (points: 45)
Phil Verplancke (points: 13)
Wendy Verren (points: 105)
Barry Vigus (points: 802)
Jeremy Vigus (points: 487)
C Viner (points: 78)
P Viner (points: 40)
Annabel Vose (points: 23)